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Barcelona, a pet-friendly city

weimaraner-369163_1280Ghandi said once “The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated” and he was quite right. In this sense Barcelona is a GREAT city!

Barcelona has 70.000 dogs and cats censed; it means that a 15 % of the population has one of them! Taking this into account, it is mandatory to say that our city has important laws and regulations in order to defend and take care of our pets. In fact, it is the most advanced city of Europe when it comes to animal rights, being declared as “non sacrificed city” after forbidding the sacrifice of any animal in any dog pound.

Last year a new law was approved: dogs can get on the metro. This is one of many more that give a better life to our little furry friends. For example: to ensure them the best staying conditions while they are in pet shops, the prohibition of primate possession as well as the obligation of dogs and cats sterilization in order to avoid the overpopulation.

If you are planning to move to Barcelona and you already have a dog or a cat they will be very welcome! There are many parks exclusively planned for them where they will be very happy. We even have an aquatic park!

We are not wrong if we affirm that our city is a really pet-friendly!